I am rereading Thornyhold by Mary Stewart right now. It was recommended by Meg Cabot--not a personal friend unfortunately, it was on her website or something. Anyway, it is an old book and has the feel of a Rebecca. A gentle Gothic romance. I rarely reread books but sometimes it is nice to know where you are going and anticipate the turns.
I am also listening to Marcello in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork. I like the exploration of someone with--to simplify--Asberger's Syndrome. Unfortunately, I find it a bit predictable although I am not done so perhaps there are still some surprises ahead. I hope so. I find myself wondering about the depiction of Marcello. I know two people diagnosed with Asbergers. One that has been through some special educational instruction and one who was mainstreamed. I wish they had some of the resources that Marcello has or that their conditions were as mild as his seems to be.